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What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
50/50 E-Liquid
What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
October 15, 2018 You may have heard the phrase ‘50/50 e-liquid’ bandied about, but what exactly is a universal vape juice? The answer is actually a rather simple one.
What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
Double Drip 50/50
50/50 E-Liquid
Double Drip
Double Drip 50/50
Double Drip 50/50
May 03, 2019 Vaping brings with it a lot of technical jargon. From ohms to mech mods, squonkers to RDAs and every RTA and RDTA in between, the long list of vape-specific language can often be daunting, and even off-putting, for a new vaper.
Double Drip 50/50