Vaping Guides
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E-cigarette Components Guide
March 17, 2025 Electronic cigarettes are a revolution that will save your lungs and your money. But even though the E-cigarette Components will long outlast a traditional packet of cigarettes. Occasionally you’ll need to buy some e-cig replacement parts. Here is a brief introduction to the parts of the E-cig.
Choosing or upgrading your Vape & E-Cigarette Batteries
March 17, 2025 As you enjoy our e-cigarettes as a tar and tobacco-free alternative when “smoking”, we are keen to offer you as wide a range of tank batteries and chargers as possible (many items are also cross-compatible). We also want you to be able to charge your kit whenever and wherever you wish. So, let’s take a look at just four of the options available to you...
An A to Z Terminology Guide For E Cigarettes and 'Vapes'
March 14, 2025 Whether you're a vaping pro or a 'newbie', the terms associated with vaping are numerous and often a little confusing! Here at Vapouriz, we've decided to put together a guide with pretty much every relevant vaping term that you're likely to come across to help with the terminology.
The Top 5 Vape Pens
December 31, 2019 Slim, sleek and sophisticated, there are plenty of reasons why pen-style vape kits are among the most iconic and popular e-cigarette devices on the planet. Vaping enthusiasts might adore the brute profile and raw power of heavyweight box mods and sub-ohm tanks, but for everyday vaping nothing says ‘craving killer’ quite like the pick-up-and-go vape pen.
Dispelling Vaping Myths
August 13, 2019 For a practice which has been proven to be 95% safer than smoking traditional tobacco, you would think that the scaremongering myths surrounding vaping would be significantly less.
Vaping makes me cough
January 21, 2018 Vaper's cough is a common problem for people when they first begin vaping. And though it typically passes quickly as you get used to the sensation, it's an irritating experience most of us would rather avoid. If you've ever wondered why vaping makes you cough, today we're exploring the phenomenon, why it happens and how to stop it in its tracks.
Vaping mistakes and how to avoid them
August 07, 2017 Vaping mistakes are common for new vapers. If you’re new to vaping or are thinking about switching from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes. There are a few things you should know first. Take a look at some of the common mistakes you can make as a rookie vaper. So you can make the most of your journey into e-cigarettes.
Vaping at Festivals
August 02, 2017 If you are one of the thousands of lucky people with a ticket to a hot festival this summer, there are a few things you should think about when you pack your vape gear.