Vaping Guides

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Vapouriz Blog
E-Liquid Flavours
Mixing Your Own E-liquid
October 01, 2016 If you've never quite managed to find that perfect e-juice, it might be time to mix your own. The same way vapers have found countless ways to customise their e-cig setup using hardware, more and more people are looking at how they can create their own signature blends, too.
Mixing Your Own E-liquid
Back to Work? Best Kits & Liquids for Returning to Your Routine!
Back to Work? Best Kits & Liquids for Returning to Your Routine!
September 07, 2016 Summer isn’t over just yet but now is the perfect time to see what changes you can make to improve your vaping experience!
Back to Work? Best Kits & Liquids for Returning to Your Routine!
What is a clearomizer?
What is a clearomizer?
August 16, 2016 As you move from being a novice to a more experienced vaper, this also tends to be the time you start looking for more sophisticated options for your e-cig setup.
What is a clearomizer?
Vaper’s Tongue Causes & Cures!
Vaper’s Tongue
Vaper’s Tongue Causes & Cures!
August 16, 2016 No flavour from your favourite vape? You could be suffering from vaper’s tongue! Find out what it is and how to cure it here!
Vaper’s Tongue Causes & Cures!
PG vs VG - what you need to know
PG vs VG - what you need to know
August 15, 2016 Find out what the difference between PG and VG e-liquids is and how to choose the right PG/VG mix to suit your vaping needs.
PG vs VG - what you need to know
Vapouriz Blog
Easy tips for e-cigarette maintenance
August 14, 2016 Over time, your e-cigarette may stop working as well as it once did, with your vape tasting bad, batteries not lasting very long. It’s easy to keep your e-cigarette working at its best with these simple maintenance tips.
Easy tips for e-cigarette maintenance
The Vaper’s Guide to Surviving the Summer
The Vaper’s Guide to Surviving the Summer
July 28, 2016 Check out these tips and tricks for getting most out of your vaping gear this summer! Keep things cloudy this summer with our holiday vaping guide! We’ll be discussing the best vaping gear for summer 2016, sharing tips for traveling with e-cigarettes including vaping in airports and vaping laws abroad as well as recommending our favourite summer e-liquid flavours!
The Vaper’s Guide to Surviving the Summer
Understanding e-cigarettes: choosing between standard and variable voltage batteries
Battery Safety
Variable Voltage E-cigs
Understanding e-cigarettes: choosing between standard and variable voltage batteries
July 17, 2016 Find out everything you need to know about powering your vape mod and choosing between standard and variable voltage e-cig batteries on the Vapouriz blog.
Understanding e-cigarettes: choosing between standard and variable voltage batteries
Mods go mainstream
Vape Mods
Mods go mainstream
June 20, 2016 Once reserved for experts and hobbyists, as vaping has evolved, so has the demand for more sophisticated vape mods.
Mods go mainstream