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Why Has The US Banned Flavoured Pods?
January 08, 2020 After weeks of mixed signals from the White House following a spate of vaping-related illnesses that emerged in the latter half of 2019, President Donald Trump announced last week that the administration will proceed with a ban on flavoured pods in the US.
Company Statement UK News
November 13, 2019 We were saddened to read in this week’s news about a young man who became unwell after allegedly vaping e-cigarettes. Aged just 16 when he started vaping, the man was treated for hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) – a type of allergic reaction to something inhaled, resulting in inflammation of the lung tissue, which is commonly associated with farmers (farmers lung) and bird keepers (bird fanciers lung).
Dispelling Vaping Myths
August 13, 2019 For a practice which has been proven to be 95% safer than smoking traditional tobacco, you would think that the scaremongering myths surrounding vaping would be significantly less.
Double Drip 50/50
May 03, 2019 Vaping brings with it a lot of technical jargon. From ohms to mech mods, squonkers to RDAs and every RTA and RDTA in between, the long list of vape-specific language can often be daunting, and even off-putting, for a new vaper.
How to save money when you’re a vaper
September 28, 2018 One of the big draws for anyone trying to give up smoking, is how much cheaper it is to vape. The NHS smoking calculator reckons even a 5-a-day smoker will spend up to £900 per year on cigs, whereas a vaper might spend on average £20 per month on e-liquids and devices, which amounts to £240. That’s already a saving of around £660. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to us…
Is Squonking For Me?
August 22, 2018 Squonking has a growing fanbase in the vaping community, and this vaping trend is showing no signs of disappearing any time soon. It’s widely considered to be one of the best ways to get optimum flavour out of your e-liquid and takes an innovative approach to producing big, flavourful clouds.
The Best E-liquid Flavours for Summer
August 01, 2018 There are few things more chill than a tasty vape on a hot summer’s day. Whether you’re heading to the beach, kicking back in the park or partying until the sun comes up - the only clouds in the sky this summer are coming straight out your vape. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite summer e-liquid flavours for you to enjoy while the sun shines.
Travelling on holiday with your short fill e-liquids
July 31, 2018 If you’re lucky enough to be jetting off somewhere exotic this summer, you’ll want to pack all the vaping essentials to enjoy once you get there. But travelling with your vape gear can be a daunting prospect due to the rules, regulations and practicalities of taking your e-liquids with you on holiday.