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Vaping makes me cough
January 21, 2018 Vaper's cough is a common problem for people when they first begin vaping. And though it typically passes quickly as you get used to the sensation, it's an irritating experience most of us would rather avoid. If you've ever wondered why vaping makes you cough, today we're exploring the phenomenon, why it happens and how to stop it in its tracks.
How to prolong the life of your vape coils
January 18, 2018 Keeping your coil in good working order can not only keep the cost of vaping down but will also ensure you have a better experience. How you vape and how well you look after your coils can help improve their lifespan. Depending on how much you vape, you can expect your coil to last anywhere from a week to a month. Today we're looking at some of the tried and tested tips to prolong the life of your coil, as recommended by the vaping community.
Throat Hit 101
August 09, 2017 If you’ve heard of throat hit and wondered what it is, or want to get a bit more from your vape, then read on to find out all you need to know about getting a vape throat hit...
Vaping mistakes and how to avoid them
August 07, 2017 Vaping mistakes are common for new vapers. If you’re new to vaping or are thinking about switching from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes. There are a few things you should know first. Take a look at some of the common mistakes you can make as a rookie vaper. So you can make the most of your journey into e-cigarettes.
How to get the most flavour from your vape
August 04, 2017 Whether you’ve been vaping for a while and don’t feel like you are getting the same flavour hit that you used to, or you’re using a new e-liquid and it isn’t living up to expectations, there will be changes you can make to your vape to help you get more flavour from it.
Vaping at Festivals
August 02, 2017 If you are one of the thousands of lucky people with a ticket to a hot festival this summer, there are a few things you should think about when you pack your vape gear.
Top E-Liquid Flavours for Summer
July 04, 2017 When the sun is shining and we take to our gardens and parks to enjoy a bit of warmth, there’s nothing quite as nice as a refreshing vape. We pick out some juicy e-liquid treats for you to enjoy this summer.
Why Some E-Liquids Change Colour
June 27, 2017 If your favourite e-liquid has turned a strange colour and you feel like you should throw it away – don’t! This is usually a natural process, and nothing to worry about. We take a look at why your e-liquids change colour, and how you can tell if an e-liquid is bad.